Design Thinking, Branding, and Graphic Design
4 months | Finished Dec 2023
Created a design solution for opioid crisis
Problem: How can we help teens and young adults struggling with opioid addiction get off while avoiding stigma and withdrawal?
In a 2015 retrospective analysis and a study on drug health and use in 2016, 5.4 million young adults used opioids. Currently, the use of opioids recreationally has caused an uproar and crisis in the U.S. resulting in many people being addicted to them or have died because of them. A group of designers and myself with the leadership of Michael Mooney and Zosia Czerska decided to use our design thinking to figure out solutions for this issue.
Progress/ Solutions
Challenges during Creation
- Process took longer than Expected: lnterviewees had to reschedule our interviews due to circumstances out of their control.