Brand Design, Graphic Design, and Design Thinking
2 months | Finished April 2024
Pioneered a new tote bag that’s convenient, fashionable and environment friendly, across the retail bag industry.
Problem: How can l make a bag that's easy-to-use, sustainable, and fashionable bags?
Artist in the world statistically work on a job or more on top of making their art. This process can be hard, tiring, and stressful for artists which can hinder their creativity. l wanted to make a tote bag company that has a mission to empower and creatively inspire artist around the world. The bags would be sustainable in material, easy to use, and speak to the audience's struggle.
- Conflicting sources about environment-friendly/ sustainable materials: Many sources were saying that paper, cotton, jute, and bamboo were good material options to avoid plastic, but others didn’t agree. Find the best material for the bag would have to be determined based on which is cheap and checks most of the sustainable boxes over plastic.
- Creating branding and its strategy before creating a bag design: In order for the bag to be fashionable to specific people, a brand needs to be made for a target audience that can help them. How long branding would take would influence the timeline of when the bag would be finished.

Early Details & Strategy

Brand Personality

Vision Statement

Mission Statement

Collage Style Moodboard

Design Revisions
Challenges during Creation
- Branding Process took longer than Expected: Figuring out the personality of the brand took longer, but was appropriate for the process of creating the bag.