UX Design & Graphic Design
3 months | Finished March 2024
Website capturing the greatest considered acts of teamwork in NBA Finals history to persuade people to seek community within the loneliness epidemic post-2020 pandemic.
Problem: How could we encourage people battling w/ lonliness post pandemic to seek community?
During the pandemic, there has been a major discussion of the loneliness epidemic we are in. Over 60% of adults report feeling lonely with young adults making up for most of the group. Although independence is popular amongst Americans, this “independence” is deadly and can easily blend with what they already consider independence to be. Loneliness increases the risk of early death by 26%. Also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, depression, addiction, etc. l enjoy basketball and I’ve grown up seeing how sports bring many together. 64% of a basketball audience is between 18-44 with around half being young adults. Due to this finding, l decided to make a website page showing how in the legendary NBA Finals series teamwork/ community played a big role in major victories. My goal was to persuade and encourage people adults (especially young adults) to seek community for the betterment of themselves as they live on.
- Collage Design Execution: Although this style matches with the theme, how intense do l make the collage? What would be considered too much? What’s the right balance of collage elements that will work? What positioning system would work for the collages?
- Hero image Unity and Variety from Other Content Pages: Other than basic page structure, how can l make the hero image’s design similar to the content pages? How can l make it unique? What shows triumph and team spirit in one image?

Website lnspiration #1

Website lnspiration #2

Collage Style Moodboard

Page Wireframe Sketches
Challenges during Creation
These were stylistic choices that shifted execution but didn’t affect the project being finished on schedule.
- Color Scheme Changes: Started with an analogous gold scheme for a triumphant feel, but some of the brighter golds weren’t going to fit with some of the jersey colors. l decided to use black with a hint of earth-toned gold. To create unity, l used the collage design style and overlays. l learned from this experience that although colors matter in conveying an emotion/feeling, it doesn’t have to be the most dominant element but a supporting one to show that. This helps me for future projects to know that l can establish unity in more ways than just structure and color.
- Navigation Changes for the Better: l started with a top navigation, but the words for each section were too big to fit in it. As a solution for easier navigation, l made a circle menu at the bottom of each page, so a viewer can easily click to get to each section. Making something easier for a viewer to navigate is always a good option for better usability.